Sunday, January 29, 2012

Balch Pond, Wakefield NH

Jan 22, 2012 Dan, Paul and I spent our first day on the ice crappie fishing on Balch Pond in Wakefield NH. Paul had scoped out the pond the week before and found us a parking place, although it was under a no parking sign. Like most ponds in the state, you can fish all you want but finding a place to park is always a problem. I spent some time reading up on crappie the week before. We had a good map from the NH F&G web site and a GPS which took straight to a preselected spot in 30' of water, directly on the Maine/NH border. Dropped a small shiner down to about 20' and in no time had our first crappie. Hooking just behind the dorsal fin, causes the shiner to tip down slightly and it will constantly try to swim towards the bottom, crappie respond well to this movement. Jigged up a second small one on a small worm tipped jig from the same hole. Weather was great for fishing no wind, but not so good for catching. Bright sun in a blue sky all day. Temperatures ranged from zero to early 30's. Caught two white perch, three crappie and a pickerel. The crappie were suspended, the white perch were feeding directly off the bottom, which is normal behavior. Deep fried the crappie in a tempura batter...wonderful!

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